Antoine Ponchin - Buy Fine Paintings Online

Antoine Ponchin Paintings

1872 - 1933

Antoine Ponchin studied under Fernand Humbert and Gagliardini, and was also advised by Jean Baptiste Olive. He executed views of a variety of topics including: Martigues, Étang de Berre, Venice, orchards, seaside villages, landscapes of the Brie, Somme and Provence regions. He exhibited at the Salon des Artistes Français, of which he was a member from 1905 receiving an honourable mention (1904), a 3rd class medal (1906), and a 2nd class medal (1910). From then on he exhibited hors-concours. He was awarded the Légion d’Honneur.

Museum and Gallery Holdings

Chambéry (MBA): Seascape
Rouen: View of Venice